How to Remove iCloud Activation Lock in iOS 13 with Checkra1n

iCloud bypass is always a headache problem with iPhone/iPad users. Third party unlocking service can earn millions of dollars each year for removing iCloud activation lock on iOS devices. If you are facing the trouble with bypassing iCloud account on your iPhone running iOS 13, this guide will show you a way to remove iCloud activation lock on iPhone/iPad. This guide is completely free and does not force you to pay money for this. Simply follow this instruction carefully and you can turn iCloud off with ease. 

Solution to Bypass iCloud in iOS 13 with Checkra1n

Do not waste your time anymore, follow these steps below to remove iCloud activation lock on your iPhone. Remember to read it carefully. Another note is that your iPhone must be running on iOS 12.3 and higher version.

Step 1: Download file on your computer. Unfortunately, you can only use install the tool on Mac computers. Windows PC will get the support soon. 

Get iCloud bypass package for Mac- Thanks to Apple Tech 752

Step 2: Once you are done, double click on the file to extract it. Then, install Checkra1n beta 0.9.1.dmg on your Mac. (Note: since macOS Catalina, you need to disable both SIP and GateKeeper on your Mac to install apps outside Mac App Store)

Step 3: When done, you will see Checkra1n tool in Applications folder. Make sure you have previous installed Python 3.80 before. If not, you can also install it inside the extracted folder.

Step 4: Connect your iPhone to your Mac and open Checkra1n tool from the Dock. 

Step 5: Boot your iPhone/iPad into DFU mode. The buttons are different, depending on the model of your iPhone.

Step 6: Once your iPhone is in DFU mode and the tool displays your device in this mode, simply click on Start.

Step 7: The tool will first install jailbreak on your phone. The process will take a few minutes, so you should be patient. Quit the Checkra1n tool when done.

Step 8: Continue to boot your iPhone into DFU mode again even when you still see Apple logo on the screen and click on Start in Checkra1n tool again. You will see verbose boot running on your iPhone screen. You are fully exploiting your iPhone at this time and just wait for it to complete.

Step 9: When you are done, open up a program. Called Python launcher directly or head to the folder, right click on and open it with Python Launcher.

Step 10: At this point, you will get two Terminal windows on the screen.

Step 11: Open a file, called command inside the folder and enter the commands that you need for the procedure.

Step 12: Copy the following command into the first terminal window:

./ -t 44:2222

Step 12: Paste this into the second terminal window:

ssh root@localhost -p 2222

Step 13: Type in Yes to continue and enter the password of your Mac when prompted.

Step 14: After you see “-bash-3.2#”, paste these lines individually, followed by enter:

mount -o rw,union,update /
echo "" >> /.mount_rw
mv /Applications/ /Applications/
uicache --all        (the dash before all is two dashes not a single dash)
killall backboardd
remove iCloud activation in iOS 13

Wait for a few seconds and your iCloud activation on your iPhone has been removed. While the process is quite complicated, if you read steps carefully, you can do it easily. Thanks again to Appletech752 about this iCloud removal tool. If you have any question, let’s know on the comment below.

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